be tense. Keep relaxed ... poised ... balanced ... buoyant
... light... standing and walking on air!
You will be amazed at how standing tall-
physically-will immediately improve your personality,
your poise, your sell-confidence, your attitude toward
others and your zest for life. You will instantly notice the
gratifying reaction of others to your improved attitude of
confidence, presence and command.
Standing tall-physically-will take years off
the appearance of older people. A characteristic of old
age is the curved back, the stooped shoulders drooping
forward, the slumped figure. Yet this most obvious sign
of increasing years and increasing physical deterioration
will vanish instantly when an older person stands tall-
physically-by following the simple directions in the pre-
ceding paragraphs. The health value alone is worth many
times the eHort (if any) required to form this beneficial
habit of youthful posture. The nerves are no longer
pinched, the muscles are no longer cramped, the blood
Hows freely, and chest is expanded to greatly increase
the intake of stimulating oxygen.
Older people who stand tall-physicaUy-not
only look years younger... they feel years younger!
But, no matter what your age, standing tall-
physically-is just the beginning of this easy way to
heighten your personality. Frequently re-read the fore-
going instructions. Constantly practice them until you
have made them a natural part of your life.