Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 34

LISTEN! ... AWay To Help

There are two sides to every coin.
In the two previous chapters, we have been
looking at one side of a coin: "TALK". We found that you
could talk your way to success (Chapter 32). And we
found that, in many cases, you could talk your way to health
( Chapter 33).
N ow let's turn the coin over and examine the
other side: "LISTEN". One should not consider talking
without giving equal consideration to listening. They are
two parts of a whole. Each is useless without the other.
Having learned the advantages of talking, let's
discover the benefits of listening. Actually, listening is a
way to help others. And, in helping others, you help your-
Remember what we said in other chapters
about those big, invisible signs everyone wears across his
chest ... stating "I want to be IMPORTANT!" ... "I
want to be ADMIREDr' ... "1 want to be APPRECI-

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