ATED!" ... remember that we said those invisible signs
told us clearly how the other person wanted to be treated?
Your success, your popularity, depends upon how well you
heed those invisible signs, upon how you help others feel
important, admired and appreciated.
One of the most effective ways to help others
feel important, admired and appreciated is to listen to
what they say with obvious admiration and appreciation,
so that they know you consider what they say to be
important. Thus, just by proper listening, you can use one
of the most effective of all success-techniques: help others
get what they want.
Remember, too, that you do not learn by talk-
ing-you only learn by listening. That's why you should
listen a lot more than you talk.
If you listen with the proper attitude and if
you listen to the right people-you can virtually listen your
way to success!
But listening is more than that. Listening is a
way to help others in other ways than to make them feel
important, admired and appreciated, as just discussed.
Psychiatrists agree that nobody is perfectly adjusted-
mentally and emotionally-all of the time (if, in fact, any
of the time!). Mental disorder is merely a matter of degree,
with most of us fortunately being in Dr. Menninger's "First
Stage" which consists primarily of the tensions and stresses,
the disturbed feelings, occasional anxieties and mental de-
pressions of normal life.
Relief from these pressures can be obtained
principally by "talking them out" (as described in the