future. Think creatively. Think: "How can I improve?"
(Add value.) Think: "How can I do more?" (Add quan-
tity.) Learn-add facts. You can't build anything unless
you have the materials. You can't build something out of
nothing. So learn! Use what you learn to think big! Then
you'll stand tall... mentally. And you will be amazed
at the immediate improvement in your attitude toward
life... and the admiration of others for you.
Then, there's the third way to heighten your
personality. It is:
No person really stands tall in the judgment of
his fellow men or even in the constant scrutiny of his own
conscience unless he is too big spiritually to be little
morally. There is a lift in standing tall-spiritually-which
cannot be achieved in any other way. Yet, paradoxically,
while it lifts you up, it also gives you that calm firmness
which makes you impregnable to the vicissitudes of life.
H you have not achieved that spiritual height,
if you cannot stand that tall spiritually-your God is too
It is only when you can accept INFINITY ...
boundless without dimension... timeless throughout
eternity... holy beyond reverence... and know that
you, in some spiritual way, are a part of it... only then
can you really stand tall... spiritually.
And, that will make all the difference!