Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Then you are ready for the second step:


There's an old, but tried and true slogan which
says, "Always go first class." I want to add an equally
important slogan, «Always think first class!" Don't clutter
up your mind with second class thoughts. It is just as
easy to think big as it is to think small. And remember, you
actually become the sum-total of your thoughts. "As a man
thinketh in his heart (deeply believes) so is he." You can
become no bigger, no better, no finer, no more successful
than your dominant thoughts. So think big! Stand taU ...

Life isn't going to give you more than you ask.
Employment managers say that almost all job-applicants
apply for low-paying jobs. Only a few apply for jobs pay-
ing better wages. Almost no one applies for the high-
salaried jobs! Almost no one thinks big! So if you want to
be a standout in the crowd, if you want to be looked up
to... stand tall... mentaUy.
Your thoughts are the fuel for achievement.
You wouldn't start out each morning by putting a handful
of dirt into the fuel-tank of your car. Then don't stall the
mechanism of your mind by dumping in thoughts of fear,
anger, hatred, jealousy or guilt. Don't let little thoughts
make you little, too.
Don't get stuck with the present. No matter
how insignificant yuur present is-think big about your
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