Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 65

If You Would Control Others ...

This chapter contains a magic word which, if
you use it constantly, will enable you to exert substantial
control over others. Some of the principal advantages of
this magic word are that its use by you will greatly elimi-
nate in others the debilitating effects of personal discour-
agement, disappointment, anxiety, depression and under-
Also, it will eliminate those same unhappy,
enervating feelings in yourself.
The magic word which will make it possible
for you to perform such miracles is ... HOPEI
You control people, through improving their
total attitudes, when you give them hope. You lose your
control over people-and lose your ability to help them-
when you take away their hope.
What a powerful force HOPE is! Yet most
people do not realize it and few people, indeed, make the
most effective use of hope.

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