The negative side-the lac1e of hope-is under-
mining so many efforts which could be constructive that
perhaps we should first consider some examples of what
disastrous effects result from the lack or loss of hope.
From the individual's standpoint, probably the
most devastating result of the loss of sustaining hope is
alcoholism or drug addiction. When an individual feels
certain that all hope for the future is gone, he or she tries
to eliminate such an intolerable, hopeless future by fleeing
reality-which emphasizes how vital it is that there always
must be held out hope of something desirable in life. Just
so there is HOPE, the expectation of a more desirable
Hope is so necessary that people will cling to
the most improbable shred of it, rationalize it, even
imagine it.
Hope is equally necessary in the control of
groups, as it is in the control of individuals.
Let's consider the manipulation of hope in
controlling the thinking, emotions and actions of the vari-
ously assorted groups of the under-privileged, under-
educated, under-employed.
These groups' lack of hope of bettering their
condition enables ambitious persons who would command
positions of leadership among them to dramatize the
groups' lack of hope. This is done individually, then in
small meetings where emotions are stirred by emphasizing
the unfairness of their past and present hopeless state, and
finally in huge mass meetings where emotions are inflamed