Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

low, we panic and drow.n-wh'enl.aUwe·need·.to do is
stand up.

Just knowing ,it is -in the, natur.e of 'life that we
are equal to our tasks,. often ,removes our panie and we
stand up, head above the -swirlingw.aters which.,., .moments
before, we thought would submerge us.

The depression of being ;overwhelmed by the
burdens of life is self"imposedor,imposedliy others. It is
something we do to ourselv~s OF, that· we' Hermit others
to do to us.
How do we prevent it?
First, know that-:-no matter_ how· great your
burdens may be, you are given:the strength to carry them.
You have an inner strength equal 'to the task.
Second, simplify. Do not-permit yourseH to
become entangled in too many of. the' complexities of a
universe which is far too complicated for any person to
understand,. much less manage, even an, infinitesimal part
of it. Be willing to accept a satisfying. personal involvement
in it-and'let the rest of it alone; Nobody appointed you
Manager of the World and. it may reassure you to know
how few people really are depending on you to solve the
world's problems.
You will, however, find many people who will
seek to unload their problems on you or, in many presump-
tious ways, add additional problems to those you already
have. So do as recommended in Chapter 19: push your
wheelbarrow upside down, or people will throw all kinds
of things into it. Be content to solve your own problems
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