Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

and be very, very selective about additional burdens you
add to your own load.
Sufficient unto each day are the burdens there-
of. The problems of yesterday, added to the anticipated
problems of tomorrow, and all piled upon the burden you
are carrying today, will make the strongest falter. Live
one day at a time. Better still, live one hour, even one
minute, at a time. Certainly, cope with only one problem
at a time. Shut out of your life all the unpleasant yester-
days and all the frightening, uncertain tomorrows. Shut
out, temporarily, all of today-except just one problem-
and you will find the one problem, not overwhelming,
but stimulating. ,
Then you will get enjoyment from life for
what it really is: a problem-solving adventure!
Divide and conquer, as recommended in Chap-
ter 2. That's the way to handle a difficult problem. Divide
each problem into its smallest parts, then methodically
solve each part, one at a time. Start with the easiest part
first, so you will be sure to succeed in solving that. This
will start the momentum of achievement, the continuous
thrill of consecutive successes!
Throwaway your problem-magnifying-glass!
Quit making mountains out of molehills-and start making
molehills out of mountains I
Then, instead of being overwhelmed by the
burdens of life-you will overwhelm them!
The difference is ... happiness!

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