Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

Lunatics Never Unite!

Years ago, before improvements were made
in mental hospitals, a visitor was escorted through a
mental hospital by the superintendent. He finally was
taken to a balcony overlooking a ward where the most
dangerous "lunatics" were kept. One hundred violently
dangerous lunatics, watched over by only three guards!
The visitor was aghast. He turned to the super-
intendent and asked, "Aren't you afraid those dangerous
lunatics will gang up on the guards?"
The superintendent calmly replied, "No, luna-
tics never unite,"
There is a lesson in that statement for all per-
sons, groups and nations. Evidently many of us haven't
been sufficiently impressed by the wisdom which has
come ringing down through the years:
"In union there is strength!"
"United we stand; divided we fall!"

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