Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 17

"This, Too, Shall Pass"

Long ago, William Cowper wrote: "The dark-
est day, lived till tomorrow, will have passed away."

It has always been, and always will be, so.
Each of our lives will have dark days. And
each dark day will pass. Life, in the wake of its insistent
imposition of tragedy, recants to soothe the hurt with gentle
kindness-another day. And we should let it.
Let our dark days pass and be submerged in
the acceptance which heals our wounds with gradual for-
getfulness. Do not renew the darkness again and again on
successive tomorrows but "let the dead past bury its dead".
Nothing worldly lasts forever. Most troubles,
unless renewed, last but for a little while. You can face
worry, grief, fear and hardship knowing that: "these, too,
shall pass away". So when confronted with the inevitable,
be willing to have it so. There is nothing you can do about
it anyway. So do not cling to it overlong. Avoid the futility
of scrubbing the deck of a sinking ship; if it must sink, it

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