Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

How quick and complete a forgetter you are,
will have a considerable effect on your own personal happi-
ness and the happiness of others involved, as you go
through life. So here are a few helpful suggestions:
( 1) Whenever you are the victim of some
petty annoyance or irritation, ignore it and forget it at once.
You are going to forget it anyway, sooner or later. Forget
it now! Don't let some thing you are going to forget at
some later time give you a week's, a day's, or even an
hour's unhappiness. Forget it now! How? Here's how:
(2) Your mind instinctively wants to spare you
unpleasantness-so help it by...
(3) Ignoring the annoyance and occupying
your thoughts and activities with other projects as far
different and as far removed from the annoyance as pos-
( 4) Don't escalate the irritation, don't rub salt
in a raw emotional wound, don't argue, don't respond
irritably-in fact, just don't respond at all. Let the source
of annoyance draw an emotional blank.
Life's little irritations and annoyances can add
up to a large amount of unhappiness-yes, and high blood
pressure, ulcers and all sorts of emotional disturbances-if
you hold on to them until they pile up into a sizable burden.
So, get rid of them as they come-by being too
thick-skinned to be bothered by little emotional mosquito
bites, by ignoring or forgetting at once all minor annoy-
ances as they come.
Don't wait for time and a cooperative or poor
memory to heal your little wound. Don't suffer at all!
Forget it NOWI

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