Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 18

Forget It!

So some little incident, some little annoying
harrassment, irritates you? Forget it! Forget it now! At
once! Give it no further thought.
It will be obliterated by the profusion of events
which will, in turn, occupy your attention next week, next
month, next year. So you will forget it anyway, sooner or
later. Why not now? Why make yourself unhappy for even
one precious minute of your life by harboring resentment,
anger, irritation, annoyance at some minor incident which
you are going to forget sometime, anyway?
Your mind, as a kind of self-defense, will evade
unpleasant, irritating thoughts and tend to turn to more
pleasant areas of interest. So, sooner or later (and probably
sooner) you are going to forget the minor annoyances of
today. So why let them interfere with your happiness now?
Why let yourself get emotionally stirred up by some insig-
nificant happening which you won't even remember a week
from now, a month from now or a year from now?

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