VHDL Programming

(C. Jardin) #1
The VitalPathDelay01procedure has a number of parameters passed
to it. These parameters are used to control what kind of glitch behavior
is wanted, the delays to be used, and the temporary data used to store sig-
nal information.
In this example, the VitalPathDelayprocedure is passed the following

OutSignal—The signal to have the new value placed on it.

OutSignalName—The name of the output signal to be used in
glitch reporting or error reporting.

OutTemp—A temporary signal used to store the current value of
the signal for comparison.

Paths—An array used to store delay information. There is a table
entry for each delay arc through the device.

GlitchData—A temporary storage area used to store signal state
and transition information for use in calculating glitches.

Mode—Specifies the type of glitch behavior wanted.

GlitchKind—Specifies the kind of glitches generated,OnEventor

Flip-Flop Example

In this next section, we examine another VITAL model with more com-
plexity. This example shows the VITAL model for a DFF device. This
device has sequential behavior and needs to have timing checks to check
for illegal timing conditions:

----- CELL DFF -----

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
library alt_vtl;
use alt_vtl.SUPPORT.all;

-- entity declaration --
entity DFF is
TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
XGenerationOn: Boolean := False;
InstancePath: STRING := “*”;

388 Chapter Seventeen

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