Bird Ecology and Conservation A Handbook of Techniques

(Tina Sui) #1

abiotic variables
measuring, technology for 254
catalogs or websites of distributors 254
physical environment 254–7
absolute counts 2
access-point surveys 313
Accipiter gentilis153, 287
Accipiter nisus 256
accuracy 23–7
acetylcholinesterase (AChe) 222
inhibition 222
Acrocephalus arundinaceus 357
Acrocephalus sechellensis 291
adaptive management of populations 323
adipose tissue 171
administration of substances 218–19
routes for 218–19
adrenocortical hormones 223
aerial photography 44
age and moult 100–2
airborne laser scanning 260
Aix sponsa 360
Akaike’s Information Criterion 123
Alana 254
alarm-calling 63, 65
Alauda arvensis 264
Alectura lathami 321
Aleutian Canada Goose 279
Allee effects 319
ALZET®osmotic pumps seeminiosmotic pumps
Amazonaparrot species in Mexico 275
Amazona versicolor 276
Amazona vittata 275
American bird atlases, categories of evidence of
breeding in 9
American Redstarts, spring migration in 163
Ammodramus henslowii 339
Ammodramus savannarum 339
amplified fragment length polymorphic DNA
(AFLP) 163
Anas aucklandica chorotis 291
Anas penelope 361
Anas platyrhynchos320, 324, 360
Anas rubripes 123
Andean Condor 292
anesthesia 219

Anguilla anguilla 352
Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act (ASPA) in
United Kingdom 115, 183, 213, 215
animals in science, three “R”s for use of 86
Ankney, C. D. 242
annual productivity
measuring 72–6
reasons for 72–4
Anser anser 353
on aircraft 150
efficiency 143
Anthus trivialis 347
Aphelocoma coerulescens 348
applied population management 296
Apteryx mantelli 291
Apteryx owenii 280
Apteryxspp. 279
Aquila adalberti 285
Aquila pomarina 288
arable land and hedgerows, managing 361–2
Ara ararauna 276
Arctic Fox 279
Arctic Tern 161
area comparisons 251
Arendt, W. J. 21
Argos satellite system 141, 167
tags 148
artificial nests, using to measure nest success and
causes of failure 71–2
Association for the Assessment and Accreditation
of Laboratory Animal Care 215
asymmetry as measure of bird’s condition 110–11
Atkins, C. 242
projects, range of units used to standardize
effort in different 10
studies 8–10, 13
weaknesses of 9
Atrichornis clamosus 291
Australia 10
atlas maps, website 14
State and Territory conservation authorities 213
Australian Brush-Turkey 321
Australian Noisy Scrub-bird 291
avian pediatrics 292


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