Bird Ecology and Conservation A Handbook of Techniques

(Tina Sui) #1

backpack harnesses 146
Baeolophus bicolour 349
Baker, J. K. 100
Bali Mynah 296
band recovery 127–9, 133–4
models 135
studies, design for 128
banding in winter of North American
waterfowl 134
Barbary Dove 292
Bar-tailed Godwit 161
Bartramia longicauda 339
basal metabolic rate (BMR) 170, 224
batch marks 120
batfowling 89
Beaked Tasselweed (Ruppia maritima) 356
Bearded Guan 309
Beintema, A. J. 77
Bengalese Finch 285, 287
Ben Meadows 254
Bennet, P. M. 247
Bennun, L. 20
Bermuda Petrel 276
bias 23–7
in systematic sampling 35
Bibby, C. J. 1, 19, 37
bill size 108–10
bioelectrical impedance (BIA) 170
biomarkers 221–2
biopsy for measurements of condition,
metabolic rate, and life history 115
birch (Betula pendula) 347
behavior in field activity codes 37
census and survey techniques 17
distribution with habitats, link 37
flight research in Europe and
North America 171
handling, notes on 99–100
magnetic sense, functional characteristics of 173
for reintroduction 278
silhouettes 165
and census methods, development of 11
need for 17–18
bird–habitat relationships 38
BirdLife International 187
birdsource 14
Bittern 335, 352, 357
in Britain 51
Blackcap, migratory 174
Black Duck, wintering
survival of 123
Black-headed Gull, cross-fostering 285

Black Robin 278, 291, 293, 295, 296, 299
cross-fostering 285–6
free-living population management 292
limiting 272
Black-tailed Godwit 248, 343
nest survival 341
Black-throated Blue Warbler 73
Black-throated Diver 51
AChe (or butyrylcholinesterase) 222
parasites 277
sampling 115, 217–18
Bluebird 276
Blue-and-Gold Macaw 276
Blue Grosbeak 349
Blue Tit 75
Bobwhite Quail 221
body size 104
Bosphorous in Turkey as migration hotspot 165
Botaurus stellaris 335
boundary setting 21
Brachyramphus marmoratus 74
Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) 336
Branta bernicla74, 242
Branta canadensis leucopereia 279
Branta ruficollis 252
Branta sandvicensis 292
individual, measuring success of 58
recording stage when located 60–1
biology 57–80
choosing study areas 58
intensive studies of 75–6
season, research during 89–90
Breeding Bird Survey in the
United Kingdom 10, 40
breeding failure
cameras 69–70
determination of proximate causes of 67–70
indices of productivity from surveys 67
proximate and ultimate causes of 79
signs left at the nest 67–70
temperature loggers 70
value of experiments to disentangle ultimate
and proximate causes of 79
wax or plasticine eggs in nests of
wild birds 68–9
breed-mount-breed, cycle 100
Brent Goose 242
productivity 74
Brine shrimp (Artemiaspp.) 355
British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) in the United
Kingdom 49–50, 87, 128, 188

372 |Index

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