Bird Ecology and Conservation A Handbook of Techniques

(Tina Sui) #1

claw, eye-ring, and other measures 110
cliff colonies 44
Clobert, J. 119
close guarding and monitoring of nets 280–1
cluster analysis 154
clutch and brood manipulation
cross-fostering of eggs and young 285
fostering 284–5
of eggs 282
intra-generic cross-fostering 285
multiple and double clutching 282
sequential egg removal 282
swapping 285
clutch augmentation 282
Cockatoos in Australia 181
Coccothraustes coccothraustes 347
Coenocorypha aucklandica pusilla 291
cold searching for nests 59
Cole’s formula for population 317
Colinus virginianus 349
Collared Flycatcher 276
colonial birds 44–5
ringing 96–7
UV reflectance 103
Columba palumbus 69
Columba trocaz 238
commercial “scanner” receivers 149
commercial value, birds of greatest 292
computer programs for counting migrants 47
concealment provided by ground vegetation 259
condition of bird 110–15
fat reserves 111–13
moult and plumage 113
muscle protein of bird 113
parasites 114
physiological measures 113
plumage 114
relative mass 111
congregatory species 13
conservation legislation 202
conservation management of endangered
birds 269–96
integrated management 293
intensive management of released birds 296
reintroduction and translocations 288–91
translocations 290
Constant Effort Sites scheme of British Trust for
Ornithology 49–50
control of regulated procedures 214
Cooper, J. E. 200
Copsychus sechellarum 291
Cordgrass, Common (Spartina anglica) 361
Cormack, R. M. 125

Cormack–Jolly–Seber (CJS) model of
capture–recapture study 125–6
Corncrake 335, 342
nests 60
vocalization 51
Coturnix japonica71, 221
leks 46
migrants 46–7
roosts and flocks 45–6
Countryside Council for Wales 212
Cranes, cross-fostering 287
Creeping Bent (Agrostis stolonifera) 343
Crex crex51, 60, 335
Critically Endangered species 269–70
island endemics, management techniques
used in restoration 294
Crockford, N. J. 252
crop of birds, for direct observations of diet 240
cryptococcosis 202
Cryptococcus neoformans 202
Curlew 76
Cyanopsitta spixii 296
Cygnus buccinator 273
cytochromes P 450222
daily energy expenditure (DEE) 224, 247
Dartford Warbler 345
DARVIC rings 96
handling 14
from radio-tagged animals 144
Dawson, A. 223
DDE 221
DDT 221
dead and dying birds
examination medical and pathological terms 182
sources of 180
deep water, managing 352
DeMaster, D. P. 306
demographic modelling first based on
radio-tagging 145
Dendroica caerulescens 73
Dendroica kirtlandii75, 335, 349
Dennett, T. B. 200
dense habitats 50
dependence, population dynamics
aspects of 318–20
estimates 43
depletion of forage 247
designing bird surveys, key points for 12
detectability 42
detection probabilities 42–4

374 |Index

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