Bird Ecology and Conservation A Handbook of Techniques

(Tina Sui) #1

Harvey, P. H. 247
Harvey, S. 223
Hawaiian Goose 292
Hawfinch 347
Hawkey, C. M. 200
hawks 287
audit of wild population of managed critically
endangered species 277
monitoring 179
hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)70
Helgoland trap 90
heme containing enzymes 222
Hen Harrier 345
Hensler, G. L. 67
Henslow’s Sparrow 339–40
herbicides 337
Herranz, J. 69
Herring Gull 286
Höglund, J. 226
Holling, C. S. 246
Hooded Crane, winter feeding
programs 274
hormonal changes in response to stress 223
hormone concentrations in serum or plasma,
measurement of 223
Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) 347
house and husbandry 216–17
Howell, K. 20
hybrid designs for data on marked birds 135
Hydrobates pelagicus 51
hydrogen (H) 163
Hylocichla mustelina 75

ICBPseeBirdLife International illegal harvest 314
Icterus oberi 22
immunosuppression in humans 187
implants 219–20
incubation 61
individual marking 95–8
from dead and dying birds 179
useful sources of 19
Ingram, K. A. 221
injection, types 218
insects, harmonic radar transponders for 144
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
(IACUC) 215
intake rate and the functional response 246
inter-generic cross-fostering 287
intertidal habitats, managing 360–1
invertebrate biomass 354
differences between habitats 241

of oxygen in body water 225
ratio in feather keratins 115
Israel, counting migrants 46
IUCN criteria for threatened species 270
Ivlev’s index 261
Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana) 349
Jackson, D. B. 70
Jacob’s index 261
Japanese Quail 71, 221
Jays 347
Jefferies, A. J. 225
Jenni, L. 100
Jenni-Eiermann, S. 171
Johnson, D. H. 67, 120
Jolly, G. M. 125
Jolly–Seber models 49
juvenile plumage 101
Kakapo 279, 291, 295–6
free-living population management
swapping 285
Karori Wildlife Sanctuary, Wellington 280
Kendall, W. I. 127
Kenward, R. 142, 156
Kestrel, Common 286
ketamine 219
killing of birds
for examination and sampling 181
methods of 183
Kirtland’s Warbler 75, 335, 349
kiwi 279
Klaasen, M. 241
kleptoparasitism 247
Krawczak, M. 226
Küppers, H. 103
laboratory tests on birds 196–8
lagoonal invertebrates study in
United Kingdom 355
Lagopus lagopus 313
Lagopus lagopus scoticus 345
Landcover Map of Great Britain 155
laparotomy 220–1
of free-living birds 220
Lapwings 341
Larus argentatus 286
Larus canus 285
Larus fuscus 286
Larus ridibundus 285
Lebreton, J.-D. 119
legal considerations, scientific experiments
on birds 213–16

378 |Index

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