Bird Ecology and Conservation A Handbook of Techniques

(Tina Sui) #1

legbands 120
leg-flags 98
legislation for regulation of capture and marking
(ringing or banding) of birds 86
Lesser Black-beaked Gull, cross fostering 286
Lesser Snow Geese 360
Lesser Spotted Eagle, chick rescue 288
Lesser Whitethroat 362
Leucopsar rothschildi 296
Limosa lapponica 161
Limosa limosa 248
Lincoln index (or Petersen method) 49
listing methods of survey 7
Little Blue Heron, clutch and blood
manipulation 285
Little Spotted Kiwi 280, 291
see alsokiwi
live-trapping birds 87–9
Lonchura punctulata 288
Lonchuria striata 285
Lougheed, C. 77
Loye, J. E. 114
Lubjuhn, T. 218
Lullula arborea 345
lumbar harnesses 147
Lund University, wind tunnel for bird flight
research 171
luteinizing hormone (LH) 224

McCabe, T. T. 111, 113
system 111, 113
McKinnon, J. 7
lists 8
Macrocephalon maleo320, 322
Madagascar Fish Eagle, chick rescue 288
Madagascar Fody, cross-fostering 287
Maderia Laural Pigeon 238
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 170, 221
magpie 69
Maleo 320, 322
Mallard duck 324, 360
in North America, population growth 320
Manacus manacus 226
Manly, B. F. J. 261–2
Manly’s index 261
Manx Shearwater 51
mapping 23, 36–8
detailed 155
migration 172
remote sensed 155
marbled Murrelet 74
Marchant, J. H. 37
Margarops fuscatus 275

MARK 121, 123, 126, 128, 131, 133, 155
Marsh Wren 361
Martin, T. E. 62
Marzluff, J. M. 142, 152
mate provisioning/brood provisioning
rates 249
Mauritius 269
species restoration 295
Mauritius Kestrel 272, 274, 286, 290, 293, 295
protocol for harvesting of eggs 283
swapping 285
Max Planck Institute, Seewiesen, Germany 171
Mayfield method 66
median lethal dose (LD 50 ) 221
metabolic rates 224
metal legbands 127
metal rings 95
microphones for counting migrants 47
microsatellites 163
microsatellite sequences 226
midge larvae (Chironomidae) 355
migrants 101
counting and observing 165
tracking 166–7
migration 161–76
adaptations for 161
behavior and strategies 165–9
connectivity 162
counts annual 165
evolution of 176
habitat loss, effects of 176
hotspots 165
maps based on ringing recoveries,
generation 162
mark-recapture 162
modelling 175–6
nocturnal bird, map over the
United States 168
in cages 172
and navigation, displacement
experiments 173–4
process 165, 168
and remote sensing
infrared device 167
radar 167–8
round-trip 167
stopover points 47, 169
strategy 169
systems 161–5
migration physiology 169–71
body composition during 169
endocrinology 171
energetics 170

Index| 379
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