Bird Ecology and Conservation A Handbook of Techniques

(Tina Sui) #1

post mortem examinations (necropsy) (cont.)
retention of material following 193
sample-taking during 199
types of 185
postmortemhealth monitoring 180
Potential Biological Removal 307–9
equation 310
Potter trap 90
power output and flight speed, U-shaped
relationship between 172
Prairie Falcon 286, 292
pre-baiting 90
precision 23–7
sample size and variance, relationship
between 25
abundance 265
control, issues of ethics and welfare 280
introduced, removal of 279
nest checking drawing attention 62–3
presence–absence comparisons 251
availability and foraging behavior 248
digestibility 244
quality 243–4
remains, determining size from 242
prey size
determining 242–3
from regurgitates 242
direct observation of 242
measuring fragments in pellets, droppings,
or stomach 242
processing birds 85
from captures after breeding season 74
from counts after breeding season 74
indices from surveys during breeding
season 76
project licenses 214
prolactin 224
propofol 219
protein catabolism 171
Prunella modularis 362
Psittacula eques 272
Psittacula krameri 292
Pterodroma cahow 276
ptilochronology 114
Puerto Rican Parrots 276
nest-site enhancement 275
Puffinus puffinus 51
pulli 89
Pyle 100
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax 340
Pyrrhula pyrrhula 75

Quelea 181
Quelea quelea 181
Quickunpick 92
Quinney, T. E. 242
radar 47
echo 168
radioed animals, detection of 123
radioimmunoassay (RIA) 223
radio-tagging 60,141–57
applications and advantages 143–5
of chicks 65
choice of techniques 142–8
constraints on 142–3
equipment 148
forward planning 148–51
development of 141
reporting rate of 156
radio-telemetry 120–4, 129–31
approaches 151–6
demography 155–6
software 150
of parent birds 65
pilot studies 151–2
recording locations 152–4
using location data 154–5
radio transmitters 98
with ground-based receivers for migratory
birds 166
Ralph, C. J. 19, 41
Randall, C. J. 200
randomised Latin square design 35
randomly amplified polymorphic DNA
(RAPD) 163
random sampling 29, 33
random selection of sample locations 5
Ranges 155
Ratcliffe, D. A. 191
Ratcliffe, N. 51
rats (Rattusspp.) 279
receivers, waterproof 150
recording birds in field, rules for 41
Red-billed Chough 340
Red-breasted Goose 252
Red-breasted Nuthatch 351
Red-cockaded Woodpecker 335
Red-crowned Crane, winter feeding
programs 273
Redfern, C. P. F. 100
Red Fescue (Festuca rubra) 361
Redford, K. H. 317

382 |Index

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