Bird Ecology and Conservation A Handbook of Techniques

(Tina Sui) #1

Pacific-slope Flycatchers 351
Panama as migration hotspot 165
parasites 114
parasitic diseases 277
parent and chicks, droppings of 65
Parus caeruleus 75
Parusspp. 276
Passer montanus 276
passerines 101
Passeromyia heterochaeta 278
patagial tags (wing tags) 98
patagial tags 146
pathogenic bacteria 277
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center 292
PBRseePotential Biological Removal
Pearly-eyed Thrasher 275
pellet analysis 239
Penelope barbata 309
Penelope jaquacu 309
peptide hormones 224
Perdix perdix 65
Peregrine Falcon 276
captive breeding projects 291
cross fostering 286
in North America, egg harvesting study 281
wild, double clutching of 283
Peregrine Fund 292
Perennial Rye Grass (Lolium perenne) 342
permits, administration of 86
personal licenses 214
Petroica macrocephala 286
Petroica traversi272, 286
Phaethon lepturus275–6
Philesturus carunculatus 291
Phillips, K. 7
Phoenicurus phoenicurus276, 347
Phylloscopus sibilatrix 347
Phylloscopus trochilus 162
physiology and genetics, techniques in 211–27
Pica pica 69
Picoides borealis 335
Picoides villosus 351
Pied Flycatcher 276, 347
Pink Pigeon 272, 277, 290, 292–3, 295–6
swapping 285
PIT tags seetags
Pitta gurneyi 295
place other than designated establishment
(PODE) 215
fieldwork, general issues to consider in 36
survey 20
plant foods 264
plastic rings 95

Platalea leucorodia 332
Playa Lakes Region of North America 354
point counts seetransects, point 38
polar-orbiting-based system 167
Pollock, K. H. 123, 127, 135
design for survival rate estimation 127
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) 222
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) 222
Polygonumspp. 354
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 226
Pomarea dimidiata 279
Pomeroy, D. E. 7
population dynamics, assessing 317–22
case study, assessing of Maleo320–1
driving forces 320
maximum growth rate (rmax) 317–18
model structure 320
population index 21, 47
population management, broad
approaches 272–80
disease control 277–8
enhancing nest-sites and the provision of
nest-boxes 274–7
predator control 278–80
supplemental feeding 273–4
population models
and associated parameters 304
spatially specific 157
genetic markers 163
morphology at migration site 162
motivation 322
preliminary model of 57
stable isotopes 163
structure, modeling of 155
adaptive management 323–5
addressing 322
population size 21
assessing 316–17
coping with uncertainty 316
minimum estimates of 303
Porphyrio mantelli289–91
post mortem examinations (necropsy) 181,183–5
assessment of “condition” 192
and associated techniques, terminology 181
basic technique 187–94
form 188, 206–7
health and safety 185–7
legislation 202
interpretation of findings 199–201
laboratory investigations 194–9
legal aspects 201–3
protocol 188

Index| 381
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