Give the ruby ray preamble (page 1).
Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me,
beloved Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun, beloved Helios
and Vesta in the sun of our system, beloved Omri-Tas, ruler of the
violet planet, beloved K-17, beloved Mighty Victory, Sanat Kumara,
Lady Master Venus, Mighty Cosmos, Cha Ara, Chananda, Cuzco,
beloved Pallas Athena, beloved Maha Chohan, beloved Lord
Gautama, Lord Maitreya, beloved Hercules and Amazonia, Mighty
Arcturus and Victoria, Casimir Poseidon, beloved Saint Germain,
Morya El, Lanto, Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Lady
Master Nada, beloved Leto and Alexander Gaylord, beloved Djwal
Kul, beloved Kuthumi, beloved Mighty Astrea, beloved Guru Ma
and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and
the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth!
*Lock your cosmic circles and swords of blue flame of thou-
sands of suns from the Great Central Sun and blaze megatons of
cosmic Light, blue-lightning rays, and violet fire in, through, and
All misqualified energy, human effluvia, sin, sickness, and
death; every lie and impure motive; all riptides of feeling, subtle and
aggressive; inordinate mental suggestions and psychic forces; ancient
and modern necromancy, mesmerism, and hypnotism; sorcery,
black magic, witchcraft, witches’ cones and covens, Satanic rites
and perversions of the Mother flame; all Luciferians, fallen angels,
laggards, black magicians, and those they have corrupted—with
their miscreations and akashic records;
All negative electricity surrounding or in the kosha sheath of
every lifestream; all evil motives, desires, and momentums—with
their cause, effect, record, and memory; all astral thoughtforms,
mass entities, and discarnates; all inverted spirals of worldly sophisti-
cation, materialism, atheism, agnosticism, and intellectualism based
on human pride, human ego, and human will;
All criticism, condemnation, and judgment, gossip and gossip
entities, rivalry, amorality, sensuality, greed, lust for power; world-
Copyright © 1962, 1973, 1975 Summit Publications, Inc. 71
Note: Give “The Threefold Omni Decree” only after you have made an intense application
of violet fire, tube of light, and protection decrees to completely insulate yourself and your
world from all negative conditions for which you are invoking trans mutation. An estab-
lished daily rhythm is highly essential for maximum efficiency in assisting cosmic forces.