wide as well as personal selfishness and unhappiness, discourage-
ment, dissatisfaction, indifference, ingratitude, grief, guilt, fear,
doubt, human questioning, and records of death;
All selfishness, egotism, and self-love, hatred and mild dislike;
cruelty, malice, and injustice; envy, jealousy, and ignorance; human
stubbornness and defiance of the law; insanity and nervous ten-
sions; organic and infectious diseases; conceit, deceit, prejudice,
and hypocrisy;
All negative hereditary traits and environmental influences,
negative racial and national characteristics; provincialism, narrow-
mindedness, ignorance, self-imposed bondage, indecision, self-pity,
self-justification, self-deception, and self-condemnation;
All malicious, ignorant, sympathetic, and delicious animal
magnetism; all family mesmerism; all subjects, agents, and victims
of mental and emotional malpractice, incarnate and discarnate,
intended or unintended—with their causes and cores.
Close in upon it all and transmute, transmute, transmute it all
—cause, effect, record, and memory—before it can act, ap proach,
or encroach upon life any longer. Replace it all right now by the
cosmic threefold flame in the full power of the three-times-three,
in the full power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand and the full
power of the thousandfold flame of the sacred love of the sacred
fire in overcoming cosmic power, tripled each instant of each hour,
until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free. Beloved I AM,
beloved I AM, beloved I AM! (3x)*
**This I decree in the name and by the power of Almighty
God in full Faith that where God is there I AM, and in his presence
there is no evil—past, present, or future—calling itself per sons,
places, conditions, things, or circumstances—habit, organ i za tion,
or history. All is Love consciously manifest, manifest, manifest (3x)
eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever ex panding and world
enfolding, until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!
Beloved I AM, beloved I AM, beloved I AM! (3x)**
And in full Faith...
Note: Whether you are “for” or “against” persons or conditions listed in “The Threefold
Omni Decree,” you will see the need for the circle and sword of blue flame, the cosmic light,
blue-lightning rays, and violet fire to rectify all wrong and establish the will of God in and
through all. The flames of God consume only that which is unreal and restore the reality of
all things to its rightful preeminence.
7.00 (cont.) The Threefold Omni Decree