Give the ruby ray preamble (page 1).
Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me,
beloved Archangel Michael, all the archangels and legions of Light,
angels and activities of the sacred fire, Holy Christ Selves of all man-
kind; beloved Jophiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel
and Holy Amethyst; beloved Mother Mary, Christine, Aurora,
Faith, Hope and Charity; beloved Micah, Lord Ling, and John the
Beloved; beloved Kuan Yin, Portia, Nada, and Lady Master Meta,
Rose of Light, beloved Eriel, Zarathustra, Ray-O-Light, and the
Cosmic Being Harmony; beloved Leonora, David Lloyd, beloved
God Obedience, Daniel and Nada Rayborn, Rex and Nada, Bob
and Pearl; beloved Cosmic Being Surya, Ascended Master Cuzco,
Mighty Victory, K-17, beloved Mighty Astrea, beloved Guru Ma
and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and
the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth!
*Lock your cosmic circles and swords of blue flame of thou-
sands of suns from the Great Central Sun and blaze megatons of
cosmic Light, blue-lightning rays, and violet fire in, through, and
All political, religious, economic, and social intrigue, cor rup tion,
schisms, and hypocrisy; fraud and despotism errone ously influenc-
ing the mind, heart, and free will of man; prayers of malintention,
scriptural misinterpretations, and moral impiety; bigotry and fanat-
icism, idolatry, and rejection of the Ascended Masters and their
Teachings, dead ritual and untempered zeal; the false hierarchies of
organized religion, known or unknown, embodied and disembodied;
All impure and improper educational channels, Luciferian
indoctrination of the youth of the world, juvenile delinquency;
opposition to the Ascended Masters’ educational programs, to the
World Teachers, and to the Christ consciousness of man kind; the
undermining of the separation-of-church-and-state principle; Lu ci-
ferian influence of textbooks and teaching programs in all schools,
public and private; all racial incompatibilities, Luciferian divide-
and-conquer tactics, and family problems;
Note: Whether you are “for” or “against” persons or conditions listed in “The Threefold
Omni Decree,” you will see the need for the circle and sword of blue flame, the cosmic light,
blue-lightning rays, and violet fire to rectify all wrong and establish the will of God in and
through all. The flames of God con sume only that which is unreal and restore the reality of
all things to its rightful preeminence.
Copyright © 1962, 1973, 1975 Summit Publications, Inc. 73