154 Stephen P. Hubbell
Table 9.2 Changes in abundance in Barro Colorado Island tree species in the 50 ha plot over a
23-year interval from 1982 to 2005.
% absolute change
in abundance,
No. of species Mean 1982 species
Standard deviation
in 1982 species
0–25 128 1379.6 4380.7
25–50 66 568.0 1038.7
50–75 36 306. 4622.8
75–100 2 4317.5 65 4.1
> 100 31 83.1 154.9
Notes: Only the 285 species with two or more individuals in 1982 are included. Percentage change was calcu-
lated as the absolute value of the difference in abundance of a species in 2005 and 1982 times 100 divided by
the abundance of the species in 1982. The mean percent change±1 standard deviation over all species was
sufficiently long to perform such a test. One of
these is the plot on Barro Colorado Island, for
which we have a quarter-century record of for-
est change and turnover (Hubbell 2008c). The
BCI forest has exhibited remarkable dynamism
over the last 25 years (Table 9.2). Of the 285
species sufficiently abundant to test, nearly a third
(31.9%) changed by more than 50% in total abun-
dance, and these changes were not limited to rare
species.These changes are not purely successional
because two-thirds of the species (63.9%) do not
exhibit monotonic directional changes in abun-
dance. In and of itself, this level of dynamism
would be challenging to most equilibrium the-
ories of community organization. However, we
need to test the possibility that these changes are
simply Gaussian stochastic fluctuations centrally
tending around fixed carrying capacities in an
equilibrium, niche-assembled community. Alter-
natively, these fluctuations may be more accu-
rately described by drift, with no central tendency,
the prediction of neutral theory.
A simple measure of community change over
time is the decay in the coefficient of determi-
nation,R^2 , of community composition. In order
to normalize changes on a per capita basis, one
should evaluate changes in abundance on a log
scale. At a time lag of zero, no change can yet
have occurred, and the auto-regression of species
abundances on themselves therefore yields an
R^2 of unity. But as the time between censuses
increases, we expect a decay in the value ofR^2 of
the regression of log species abundances at time
t+τon the log abundances of the same species
at previous timet. We can test the predictions
of niche assembly versus neutrality for commu-
nity dynamics because these theories make very
different predictions of the expected patterns of
decay inR^2 over time. The prediction from neu-
tral theory, when the metacommunity is very
species-rich, is nearly perfectly linear decay in
similarity (as measured byR^2 of the time-lagged
regression of log abundances). In contrast, under
Gaussian stochastic fluctuations around a sta-
ble equilibrium of a niche-assembled community,
one expects a relatively fast, curvilinear decay
inR^2 , to an asymptoticR^2 value, reflecting the
underlying community stability and the tendency
of species to approach their niche-determined
carrying capacities.
To test the niche-assembly predictions, we
randomly sampled the distribution of observed
intrinsic rates of increase of the BCI species
over the past quarter century, which are approxi-
mately normally distributed with a mean of zero
(Figure 9.4). We then applied the randomly sam-
pled intrinsic rates, normalized to 5-year census
intervals, to each species and computed the decay
inR^2 of log species abundances over 25 years and
six censuses. We repeated this procedure for an
ensemble of 1000 stochastic runs, and averaged
the results.