Tropical Forest Community Ecology

(Grace) #1
Symmetric Neutral Theory 155

To test the predictions of neutral theory and
a drifting community, we first had to consider
whether to use the dispersal limitation version of
the theory, or the version with symmetric den-
sity dependence. Recall that on the basis of the
fit to static relative abundance data, these two
versions of the theory cannot be distinguished.
However, on the basis of the dynamics data, there
is a clear winner. Recall from Figure 9.1 that
under symmetric density dependence, we expect
that the ratio of per capita birth rate to per capita
decay rate should exceed unity at small popula-
tion sizes, conferring a growth rate advantage on
species when rare. However, there is no evidence



− 2 − 10
Intrinsic rate of increase, 1982–2005

No. of species


Figure 9.4 Distribution of intrinsic rates of increase
among BCI tree species over a 23-year period from
1982 to 2005.

of the necessary rare-species advantage at the
whole plot level (Figure 9.5). Rare and common
species alike have mean values ofb/dthat do not
differ significantly from unity. Thus, we modeled
a drifting neutral community under the original
dispersal limitation mechanism (Hubbell 2001)
and island biogeography theory (MacArthur and
Wilson 1967).
Dispersal limitation and symmetric density
dependence are not mutually exclusive mecha-
nisms, so in principle both can operate simulta-
neously. In fact, we know that density dependence
is pervasive and strong in the BCI tree community
(Hubbell 2008b,c). Harmset al.(2000) demon-
strated very strong density dependence in the
seed-to-seedling transition, as measured by the dif-
ference between the number of seeds collected in a
network of traps and the number of seedlings that
germinate in seedling plots adjacent to the traps.
There are also negative conspecific density effects
on sapling growth and survival (Hubbellet al.
2001, Ahumadaet al. 2004, Uriarteet al.2005).
How do we reconcile these observations with the
results in Figure 9.5? The answer is that all of
these density effects weaken to background within
short distances (most<20 m, to 30–40 m in a few
species; Hubbellet al.2001, Hubbell 2008b) and,
as a result, they do not regulate the populations of
BCI tree species at the scale of 50 ha.




Per capita


d, 1982–20051.5



1 − 3 − 10 − 30 − 100 − 300 −
Species abundance in 1982

1000 − 3000 −10,000−

Mean ± 1 SD

Figure 9.5 Lack of evidence of density- and frequency dependence in the BCI tree community over the entire
23 years of the study. The mean per capita birth rate/death rate (b/d) ratio±1 standard deviation for species binned
into half log base 10 intervals of abundance. In all abundance categories the confidence limits forb/dbracket unity.
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