Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1

Thinking in proportions

Rule of thirds
The rule of thirds is a compositional
guide used in design and
photography to direct the positioning
of key elements. By superimposing a
basic three-by-three grid over a page,
active ‘hotspots’ are created where
the grid lines intersect.

Locating key visual elements in the
active hotspots draws attention to
them and gives the design an offset
balance that produces dynamic
results. With the subject of a design
occupying different hotspots, dynamic
tensions can be created with the
hotspots that are left empty.

Rule of odds
The rule of odds is a compositional
guide used in design and
photography and places the subject
of a design within an even number
of surrounding objects, thus giving
an odd number of total objects. The
supporting objects give balance to
the design and help focus the viewer’s
attention on the main subject.

The focal point of the design can
vary according to where the subject is
positioned in the piece. This can allow
for different degrees of dynamism or
energy to be achieved.

Two basic, yet highly effective ways of dealing with proportions in a design are
the rule of thirds and the rule of odds.

Thinking in proportions

The focal point of a design can vary

according to where the subject is positioned

in the piece and the proportions of the

spatial relationships that it contains.

Design Thinking



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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm

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