Microsoft Word - sociology_body.doc

(Axel Boer) #1

Review Questions

  1. What are social processes? Compare social
    processes with biological processes.

  2. Discuss the necessity of competition and conflict as
    social processes.

  3. Discuss the micro- and macro aspects of
    assimilation as a social process.

  4. What is social stratification? How does the concept
    of social stratification compare with stratification in
    the world of rocks and minerals?

  5. How is social stratification created? What is the
    necessity of social stratification in society?

  6. Discuss the different forms of social stratification.

  7. What is the effect of caste as a social stratification
    on the living standards of individuals and social
    groups? Do you think that there are diseases
    individuals suffer from that are the results of social
    stratification? If yes mention and discuss some of

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