Microsoft Word - sociology_body.doc

(Axel Boer) #1

Subjective meanings: the ways in which people
interpret their own behavior or the meanings
people attach their own behavior.

Survey method: a quantitative method of research
which involves sampling, impersonal data
collections, and sophisticated statistical analysis.

Symbols: are words, objects, gestures, sounds or
images that represent something else rather than

Symbolic interactionist perspective: The theory that
stresses the analysis of how our behaviors
depend on how we define others and ourselves.
It concentrates on process, rather than structure,
and keeps the individual actor at the center

Total institutions: are an all-encompassing and often
isolated from the community, which demand a
thorough de-socialization of the new entrants
before they assume full-fledged membership.

Unobtrusive Measures: Observing people's behavior
while they are not aware of it. Here, this method
involves techniques that do not interfere with the
objects or events studied.

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