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Low blood pressure diet

Exclusive fruit diet

The treatment for low blood pressure should aim at rejuvenation of the whole
system. To begin with, the patient should adopt an exclusive fresh fruit diet for
about five days, taking three meals a day of fresh fruity fruits at five-hourly

Milk and fruit diet

Thereafter he may adopt a fruit and milk diet for two or three weeks. After the
fruit and milk diet the patient may gradually embark upon a well balanced diets
consisting of seeds nuts and grains with emphasis on fresh fruit and raw
vegetables. Further period of all fruit diet followed by a milk and fruit diet may be
necessary every two or three months in some cases, depending on the progress
being made.

Home Remedies for Low Immunity

Some home remedies to boost immune system

The remedy for low immunity depends on the cause. A good diet can boost the
immune system considerably.
Here are some other known home remedies that can help boost the immune

  • Mumio: a natural product consists of more than 50 elements. It is as a
    concentration of beeswax, fossilized honey, and bees' nests, which seeps out of
    certain rocks over time due to the influence of spring water and appears like a
    substance similar to a resin. Mumio is commonly consumed in tablet form and
    helps protect from illnesses and boost immunity.

  • Astragalus Root: is used to treat viral infections including the common cold
    among the Chinese. It helps stimulate white blood cells and protect from invading
    organisms and it also enhances the production of an important natural compound
    produced by the body to fight viruses known as interferon.

  • Aswagandha: is a general stimulant of the immune system. This herb is known
    to counteract the effects of stress and promote general well- being.

  • Eleuthero or Siberian ginseng: is popularly known to provide support to the
    immune system.

  • Asian Ginseng: is known not only prevent illnesses but also to treat immunity
    related diseases.

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