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Malaria treatment using Fever Nut

The seeds of the fever nut plant are another effective remedy for malaria. They
can be obtained from a herbal store and preserved in a phial for use when
required. About six grams of these seeds should be given with a cup of water two
hours before the expected onset of the paroxysm of fever, and a second dose
should be given one hour after the attack. The paroxysm can thus be avoided but
even if it occurs, the same procedure should be resorted to on that day and it will
cut short the fever.

Malaria treatment using Datura

The leaves of the datura plant are useful in the tertian type of malarial fever.
About two and a half freshly-sprouted leaves of this plant should be made into a
pill by rubbing them with jaggery and administered two hours before the onset of
the paroxysm.

Malaria treatment using Cinnamon

Cinnamon is regarded as a valuable remedy in malaria. One teaspoon should be
coarsely powdered and boiled in a glass of water with a pinch of pepper powder
and honey. This can be used beneficially as a medicine in malaria.

Malaria treatment using Chirayata

The herb chirayata, botanically known as Swertia chirata, is also beneficial in the
treatment of intermittent malarial fevers. It helps in lowering the temperature. An
infusion of the herb, prepared by steeping 15 gm of chirayata in 250 ml of hot
water with aromatics like cloves and cinnamon, should be given in doses of 15 to
30 ml.

Malaria treatment using Lime and Lemon

Lime and lemon are valuable in the quartan type of malarial fever. About three
grams of lime should be dissolved in about 60 ml of water and the juice of one
lemon added to it. This water should be taken before the onset of the fever.

Malaria treatment using Alum

Alum is also useful in malaria. It should be roasted over a hot plate and
powdered. Half a teaspoon should be taken about four hours before the expected
attack and half a teaspoon every two hours after it. This will give relief.

Malaria treatment using Holy Basil

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