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helpful when menstruation ceases due to stress or fright in young unmarried

Menstrual Problems treatment using Bengal Gram

A bath prepared by putting an entire Bengal gram plant in hot water is beneficial
in painful menstruation. The plant also may be used for a sitting steam bath.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Marigold

The herb Marigold, named after the Virgin Mary, is useful in allaying any pain
during menstruation and facilitating menstrual flow. An infusion of the herb
should be given in doses of one tablespoon twice daily for the treatment of these

Menstrual Problems treatment using Banana Flower

The use of banana flower is one of the most effective home remedies in the
treatment of menorrhagia or excessive menstruation. One banana flower should
be cooked and eaten with one cup of curd. This will increase the quantity of
progesterone and reduce the bleeding.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Coriander Seeds

Coriander seeds are also beneficial in the treatment of excessive menstruation.
Six grams of these seeds should be boiled in half a litre of water. This decoction
should be taken off the fire when only half the water remains. Sugar candy
should be added to it and the patient should drink it when it is still warm.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Mango Bark

The juice of the fresh mango bark is another valuable remedy for heavy bleeding
during menstruation. The juice is given with the addition of white of an egg or
some mucilage- a kind of vegetable glue obtained from a plant, and a small
quantity of the kernel of a poppy. As an alternative, a mixture of 10 ml of a fluid
extract of the bark, and 120 ml of water may be given in doses of one teaspoon
every hour or two.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Ashoka

The bark of the Ashoka tree is an effective remedy for excessive blood loss
during the monthly period which occurs due to uterine fibroids and other causes.
It should be given in the form of decoction in treating this condition. About 90 gm
of the bark should be boiled in 30 ml of milk and 360 ml of water till the total
quantity is reduced to about 90 gm. This quantity should be given in one day, in
two or three doses. The treatment should commence from the fourth day of the

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