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monthly period and should be continued till the bleeding is checked. A fresh
decoction should be made for use each day.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Indian Barbery

The herb Indian barbery is also useful in case of excessive bleeding. It should be
given in doses of thirteen to twenty-five grams daily.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Rough Chaff

The herb rough chaff is also valuable in excessive menstruation. An infusion of
the herb should be prepared by steeping 15 gm of rough chaff in 250 ml of water
and used for treating this condition.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Hermal

The herb hermal is useful in regulating the menstrual periods. It is especially
beneficial in painful and difficult menstruation. Two tablespoons of the seeds
should be boiled in half a litre of water, till it is reduced by one - third. This
decoction should be given in 15 to 30ml doses.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Hemp

Hemp can be successfully used when menses do not start at the scheduled time.
Five large heads of hemps should be boiled in half a litre of water till the water is
reduced to half. It should then be strained and drunk before going to bed for two
or three nights. This remedy seldom fails.

Menstrual Problems diet

All-fruit diet

The various disorders relating to menstrual flow, being systemic in origin, can be
tackled only by treating the system as a whole, so as to remove the toxicity from
the body and build up the general health level of the sufferer. To undertake such
a scheme of all-round, health-building treatment, the sufferer should begin with
an all-fruit diet for about five days, taking three meals a day of fresh, juicy fruits.
However, if there is excessive weight loss during the all-fruit diet, those already
underweight may add a glass of milk to each fruit meal.

Well-balanced diet

After the all fruit diet, the sufferer should adopt a well-balanced diet, with
emphasis on fresh fruits, raw vegetables, and wholegrain cereals.

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