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in the healing of ulcers as the mild coating of mucilaginous material deposited by
fenugreek, passes through the stomach and intestines, providing protective shell
for the ulcers.

Peptic Ulcer treatment using Drumstick

The leaves of the kalyana murangal tree, which is a variety 'of drumstick found in
South India, have also proved helpful in the healing of ulcers. Ten grams of the
leaves of this tree should be ground into a paste, mixed with half a cup of
yoghurt, and taken daily.

Peptic Ulcer treatment using Vegetable Juices

The juices of raw vegetables, particularly carrot and cabbage, are beneficial in
the treatment of peptic ulcers. Carrot juice may be taken either alone or in
combination with spinach, or beet and cucumber. The formula proportions in
case of the first combination are 300ml of carrot juice and 200 ml of spinach
juice; and in case of the second combination, 300 ml of carrot juice and 100 ml
each of beet and cucumber juice to make 500 ml of juice.

Peptic Ulcer treatment using Almond Milk

Milk prepared from blanched almonds in a blender is very useful as a treatment
for peptic ulcers. It binds the excess of acid in the stomach and supplies high
quality protein.

Peptic Ulcer treatment using Goat's Milk

Goat's milk is also highly beneficial in the treatment of this disease. It actually
helps to heal peptic ulcers. For better results, a glass of goat's milk should be
taken in a raw state, three times daily.

Piles home remedies

Piles treatment using Dry Figs

Three of four figs should be soaked overnight in water after being cleaned
thoroughly in hot water. They should be taken first thing in the morning along with
the water in which they were soaked. They should also be taken in evening in the
similar manner. This treatment should be continued for three or four weeks. The
tiny seeds of the fruit possess all excellent quality of stimulating peristaltic
movement of the intestines. This facilitates easy evacuation of faeces and keeps
the alimentary canal clean. The pressure on the anus thus being relieved, the
hemorrhoids also contract.

Piles treatment using Mango Seeds

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