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Mango seeds are an effective remedy for bleeding piles. The seeds should be
collected during the mango season, dried in the shade, powdered, and kept
stored for use as medicine. This powder should be given in doses of about one
and a half to two grams with or without honey, twice daily

Piles treatment using Jambul Fruit

The jambul fruit is another effective remedy for bleeding piles. The fruit should be
taken with salt every morning for two or three months during its season. The use
of the fruit in this manner during every season will effect a complete cure and
save the user from bleeding piles for his entire life.

Piles treatment using Radish

White radish is considered highly valuable in piles; 100 mg of grated radish
mixed with a teaspoon of honey may be taken twice daily in treating this
condition. This vegetable can also be taken in the form of juice mixed with a
pinch of salt. It should be given in doses of 60 to 90 ml, morning and evening.
White radish, well ground into a paste in milk. can also be applied over inflamed
pile masses to relieve pain and swelling.

Piles treatment using Turnip

The leaves of turnip have been found useful in this disease. The juice of these
leaves should be extracted and 150 ml given to the patient. It is, however,
necessary to take a proper diet of raw fruits and vegetables while taking this
juice. For better results, 50 ml of the juice should be mixed with equal quantities
of juices of watercress, spinach, and carrots.

Piles treatment using Bitter Gourd

The juice of the fresh leaves of bitter gourd is also valuable in piles. Three
teaspoons of the leaf juice, mixed with a glass of buttermilk, should be taken
every morning for treating this condition. A paste of the roots of the bitter gourd
plant can also be applied over piles with beneficial results.

Piles treatment using Ginger

Ginger is also useful in this disease. Half a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice, mixed
with one teaspoon each of fresh lime juice and fresh mint juice, and a tablespoon
of honey, constitutes an effective medicine for piles.

Piles treatment using Onion

Onions are valuable in bleeding piles. About thirty grams of this vegetable should
be finely rubbed in water and sixty grams of sugar added to it. It should be taken

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