Microsoft Word - food_as_medicine.doc

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Potassium rich Diet

Eat a diet rich in potassium. Broccoli, fish and beans are good sources of

Diet for Women

Women with PMS need to stabilize their blood sugar. For this they should eat
small and frequent meals.

Home Remedies for Prostate Disorders

Prostate Disorders treatment using Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are an effective home remedy for prostate problems and many
patients have been helped by their use. These seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty
acids which are essential to the health of the prostate. Persons beyond the age
of fifty, who have any signs of prostate trouble; or those who suffer from urinary
disorders of some kind, namely, burning or difficulty in passing urine freely,
should take sixty to ninety grams of pumpkin steeds per day. The seeds may be
taken in the form of powder sprinkled over cooked vegetables or mixed with
wheat flour to make chapatis. They can also be taken in the form of a paste
made with honey, or as a drink mixed with diluted milk and sugar to taste.

Prostate Disorders treatment using Vegetable Juices

The use of vegetable juices has been found beneficial in the treatment of
prostate problems, including prostate enlargement. The juice of carrots, taken
separately in a 500 ml quantity, or in combination with spinach juice, is specially
valuable. In the case of combined juices, 200 ml of spinach juice should be
mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice to prepare 500 ml or half a litre of combined

Prostate Disorders treatment using Zinc

The use of zinc has been found valuable in cases of prostate disorders. About
thirty milligrams of this mineral should he taken daily in the treatment of these

Prostate Disorders treatment using Vitamin E

Vitamin E has proved to be an important factor for prostate health. The patient
should therefore use vitamin E-rich foods liberally or take 600 IU of this vitamin
daily. Vitamin E-rich foods are wholegrain products, green leafy vegetables,
eggs, milk, and all raw or sprouted seeds.

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