Better Available Light Digital Photography : How to Make the Most of Your Night and Low-light Shots

(Frankie) #1
RAW-image-file capture 193

Bibble Labs offers Bibble Pro software for RAW-fi le processing and includes support for many cameras,
including the Leica R8 with Digital Modul-R, Pentax K100D and K110D, along with Lens Correction support
for the Tamron 70–300 mm f/4.0–f5.6 LD.

Suppose you’d taken a lot of photographs that needed work and
all needed the same adjustments. These programs allow you to
make the corrections to one image and then select others for a
“batch” correction. That’s right, the computer will crunch the
numbers, adjusting all, while you do something else. Images can
be cropped, tilted, converging lines straightened, vignettes added
around the edges.

None of these changes will alter your original fi le. Please reread
the previous sentence. The RAW fi le remains unchanged, much
like an original fi lm negative or transparency. It’s your digital
negative. The changes will take place when the program con-
verts the image to a format of your choice, the same way a print
appeared in the tray of developer back in the day.
It’s possible to make several different versions of your image,
saving each one as a new fi le, and again keeping the original
intact. What about obsolescence? What happens when a
camera company goes belly up or makes signifi cant changes
to its proprietary RAW-image algorithms? Adobe has provided
us with a tool called DNG Converter to ensure our imagery
against the possibility of being outdated. The digital negative,
or DNG, is a way to convert any camera manufacturer’s RAW
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