Better Available Light Digital Photography : How to Make the Most of Your Night and Low-light Shots

(Frankie) #1

194 Better Available Light Digital Photography

fi les into a digital negative that can always be opened and
adjusted. Adobe makes the software coding available openly, so
it can be used by anyone. Many photographers are saving their
RAW fi les into this DNG for future preservation.

Adobe camera raw

Photoshop CS3 features the latest version of the Adobe Camera
Raw, which nondestructively processes RAW data from your
digital camera. Photoshop CS3 also allows you the fl exibility of
applying the editing power of Camera Raw to JPEG and TIFF
fi les as well as RAW formats. Some of the enhancements to the
latest version of Camera Raw include accelerated performance
and a Clone and Heal tool that lets you retouch images before
taking them into Photoshop. There are Fill Light and Vibrance
controls to fi ne-tune lighting, intuitive monochrome conversion
and control, along with precise color-adjustment controls. The
latest version supports more than 150 cameras and is compatible
with Lightroom conversion settings.

Best of all, you don’t need the increasingly expensive Photoshop in order to use Camera Raw. The latest
version of the $99 Photoshop Elements contains the latest version of Adobe Camera Raw as well.

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