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(nextflipdebug5) #1

imagination in great detail. Look it over carefully in
your minds eye. Has it got weasel clauses so you can
get out of it if you can't afford to keep paying the
rent? Is the lease long enough to make it valuable to
someone should you decide to sell the business after
you have built it up? Does the lease allow you to sell
the business? Visualize intently, all the prerequisites
that you want to happen. Vividly imagine moving
into the store. See who is helping you, make sure you
can actually see reliable and trustworthy help. See the
shelves full of groceries and produce. Vividly imagine
unloading new lots of stock from pickup trucks and
delivery wagons. See the girls at the cash registers,
actually see the money they are taking from satisfied
customers. Imagine collecting the cash from the
cashiers at the end of the day and paying it into the
bank. See yourself paying all your bills on time, see
the business expand. Actually see yourself in the bank
discussing your business with your bank manager.
Imagine in detail the overdraft coming down and that
you are trading in the black. See yourself reading sales
figures whereby you know you can sell the business
for a good profit. Or see yourself taking money out of
the business to parlay into some other venture. See
yourself embark on another venture because this one
was so successful. You know from past failure
programs that the reason why we fail is because we
don't visualize far enough into the future to give us
permanent tracks to run on. Don't make that mistake
this time round! You've been there, done that! It is far
better to expend mental energy at the beginning of a
project, rather than try to sort out the problems when
the project begins to fail, because you are coming to
the end of your biocomputer program.

Your next goal that you list on your tape may be
a dream auto. You would word the goal like this:

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