Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

I fully realize my two hemispheres are like two
separate computers that go about their problem
solving in two totally different ways. I also
understand that the most marvellous thing is that
they communicate with each other when I relax.
Repeat three times.
Mission Accomplished/Self-Destruct Signals to
look out for:

I play this tape over and over again while I am
driving my auto and I realize that it is hundreds of
hours of programming that does the trick. I never
give up on reprogramming my biocomputer.
Repeat three times.
Mission Accomplished/Self Destruct Signals to
look out for:

Yes, I fully realize that Ron Holland has finally got
through to me. I have to think very clearly in
pictures when I am relaxed so my right computer
gets programmed in pictures. I also realize I have to
listen to the words over and over again to program
my left computer. I know that the pictures must
match the words.
(This last one is my joke. You don't really have to
include it on your tape!) Oh, all right, you can if you

I suggest that on the tape for your left computer
you put a number of different things. I'd like you to
include all the material possessions that you would
like to own. I would like you to include all the goals
you would like to accomplish. You may even want to
include some behavior modifications, particularly if
you are shy or uncomfortable with people. You may
want to include that you are a happy person or a
successful person. Maybe you want to be more

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