Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

aggressive or less aggressive. Take care with the
wording of your program to insure the exact output
that you desire.

In the past you have berated yourself for mistakes
that you've made, you've talked yourself out of all
sorts of good things, you may have constantly
affirmed how stupid you've been, how fat you are,
how ugly you are, how poor you are, that you don't
have two pennies to rub together, that you're only just
scraping through, in effect what you have been doing
is negatively self-programming yourself from within
and that input has come to express itself in the person
that you are right now. By playing your left computer
tape as often as you can you'll soon overtake the old
programs and very soon you'll be running on the new.

Many of the programs that I used on myself were,
much more than just one liners. I also used to make
up new tapes on a regular basis. For example the goal
I used for being happy, I put a lot of thought into. I
was determined to be happy all the time, not just
when things were going well. I have discovered this is
the real key to positive thinking. Anyone can be :
happy when things are going well, but that isn't the
secret. The secret is to be happy all the time. It took
me a long time to realize that success is not a
destination, it's a journey. In actual fact it took me
about twenty years to learn that. (Looking back, it's
taken me a long time to learn most things, things that
most of mankind never learn at all.)

I sustained happiness by learning to enjoy the
mo ment for what it is, not what it will bring in the
future. The Chinese have a saying, 'Live happily by
living today' and Alcoholics Anonymous have a
saying, 'One day at a time.'

When I put my program into my biocomputer I
spend quite a time getting the wording right. You may

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