Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

want to use the following wording or make up your
own program: "I keep myself happy all the time. I do
not let outside influences disturb me. I realize that
many things happen in business. The things that
happen in business happen in business and they do
not make me unhappy. I enjoy everything that
happens to me. Success is not a destination it's a
journey, a journey that I have chosen to be very happy

I remember someone asking me how I could be so
happy doing some gardening, when I knew the house
was going to be repossessed the next day. The secret is
that I loved the gardening for what it was right there
and then, not what pleasure it was going to bring me
in the future. If things that I do give me pleasure in
the future, that's a bonus as far as I'm concerned, I
have to be happy in the present. Unfortunately most
people affirm to themselves, "I'll be happy when I
make my million" or "My happiness equates with the
money I have in the bank" consequently they're never

It took me many years to realize that debts,
employees not turning up to work, sales not coming
in, trucks breaking down, fires, employees em-
bezzling, partners not coming in with their funds,
computers breaking, mail not arriving on time, checks
bouncing, loans getting refused, partners blowing out
deals, people being negative, general mistakes, bad
decisions, are all part of business. Not just my
business. They happen all the time. I recall discussing
a few of my problems with old Seamus, thinking I had
the weight of the world on my shoulders, with
problems that I thought only happened to me, and all
he could say was that "It sounds to me like business
as usual!" If you're in business you'd do well to
appreciate that there are many things that can and

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