Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Repeat three times.
Mission Accomplished/Self-Destruct Signals to
look out for:

I save ten percent of my gross revenue every month.
I use my imagination to help me purchase the things
that I need for everyday living. I know that I need
capital to help start my future business. I no longer
live hand to mouth. I 'see' many ways extra income
can come to me and I have found a source of income
that enables me to sustain the lifestyle that I am
Repeat three times.
Mission Accomplished/Self-Destruct Signals to
look out for:

I am a man of action. Because I have programmed
my biocomputer correctly I do not have any
incongruities between the pictures and the words.
My goals are very clearly defined. Because my
words and my pictures match, I have two very
powerful computers working for me, not against me.
I spend my time acting on the ideas and developing
my plan. I employ my biocomputer to do my
problem solving for me. By doing that I am free to
implement my ideas. I have lost my inhibitions. If
there is a place to go or someone to see that is
relevant to the project, I do it.
Repeat three times.
Mission Accomplished/Self-Destruct Signals to
look out for:

I am a deal closer. I never forget the reason for
meetings, meetings, meetings is for closing, closing,
closing! I stop talking and I listen. I listen for clues
that my prospect gives when he is ready to close. I

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