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(nextflipdebug5) #1

close professionally and quickly. I always give the
full sales pitch but then I stop and listen. I do not
talk myself out of deals. I actually ask for the orders
and the check. I 'see' myself twice a day, when my
RAS is deactivated, actually closing deals and getting
people to sign contracts and hand over checks.
Repeat three times.
Mission Accomplished/Self-Destruct Signals to
look out for:

I am a money magnet. I am always attracting money
to me. I am drawn to people and opportunities that
increase my wealth. I am drawn to various magazines
and meetings and seminars that put me in contact
with similar money conscious people. I am never
short of money. I visualize, twice a day with my RAS
deactivated, that money and checks keep coming to
me in all denominations. I literally attract to me the
forces of success through my visualizations.
Repeat three times.
Mission Accomplished/Self-Destruct Signals to
look out for:

I always get referrals. Everyday people give me
referrals. I know that contacts, contacts, contacts
equal contracts, contracts, contracts! All the time my
contact base increases. People like me because I
always help them and go beyond the call of duty.
People are genuinely pleased with my service and
they have no hesitation in giving me referrals. I ask
every client for five referrals. In return I always
reciprocate by doing something special for my
client, to help him in his business. This could be
giving him a book, giving him a newspaper cutting
that will help or just giving him an extra few
moments of inspirational time.

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