Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

morning and fifteen minutes in the evening to
creating pictures in my right computer. I am never
too busy to create pictures in my right computer.
Repeat three times.
Mission Accomplished/Self-Destruct Signals to be
look out for:

I use my right computer daily. I find myself pulling
my auto to the side of the road in safe areas, where I
stop and I start thinking things out in pictures. I
practice using my right computer more and more
every day. I work out ideas and concepts in pictures.
I see deals before they happen in pictures. Every day
I work with biocomputer principles. I read and
study the biocomputer work-book and I spend more
and more time thinking in pictures.
Repeat three times.
Mission Accomplished/Self-Destruct Signals to
look out for:

I have both my computers working in harmony. I
spend time looking at my goals and working out a
plan of action for the future. When my biocomputer
gets me to a goal, I know I have to immediately
program in the next goal. If I can I work out a
strategy in advance so I am always ahead of the
game. I fully realize the biocomputer must never be
left without a goal.
Repeat three times.
Mission Accomplished/Self-Destruct Signals to
look out for:

I use the biocomputer tapes on an ongoing basis. I
know that if I stop programming the biocomputer, I
will immediately run on old self-defeating behavior
programs. I have discovered the secret of sustained

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