Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

success. I have to keep programming for the future. I
always have goals that I want to accomplish. I now
know that because I can achieve anything I want in
life I can choose goals that I desire, not just goals
that I think I can attain.
Repeat three times.
Mission Accomplished/Self-Destruct programs to
look out for:

I actually create pictures in my imagination. I know
that reading about visualization is not doing it.
Everyday I stop reading and stop working with my
left computer and deliberately work with my right
computer no matter how hard it may be. I know that
I must keep exercising the faculty to get its potency
back. I work hard on creating pictures in my
imagination. I never give up trying to create pictures
in my right computer.
Repeat three times.
Mission Accomplished/Self-Destruct Signals to
look out for:

Relaxation is part of my daily routine. I find the more
relaxed I am the easier it is to visualize. As well as
deactivating the RAS twice a day for reprogramming,
I also take time out to swim. (Or play golf or ride my
bike or go jogging or play football or walk in the
countryside) During my relaxation periods I get so
caught up in them I completely forget about my
projects and my burning desires. I give my
biocomputer time to assimilate all the input. I know
that when the output is ready to come it will.
Therefore I let go completely and enjoy my relaxation
periods for what they are. I am never so busy that I
put off my relaxation program. Relaxation is one of
the keys to making the biocomputer work efficiently.

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