Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Even now I get twinges when I think I should
cancel a meeting or not do a deal or say "No" not
"Yes" or vice-versa. I am now very careful. I make
sure I am overriding any negative programs that I
may have about that particular topic or deal. Many
times I recognize them in time, and put a program in
that is very positive. In all cases I program my
biocomputer to get me beyond the point where I
would have automatically failed in the old days. Yes!
Every day I go through 'hoops of fire.' Does that
answer your question?

Can you give us a few more clues about loosely
writing our goals? I have come from the discipline
that says everything must be in fine detail, although
I agree with you it hasn't worked too good!
Yes. There was one time when I had the goal,
'Talk and Grow Rich is a #1 Bestseller in the USA.' I
looked at the goal (I often appraise goals to make
sure they are right, semantically correct, what I really
want and not in conflict with other goals that I have
set) and decided I would alter it. I altered it to 'Talk
and Grow Rich is a bestseller in the USA.' I figured
that the difference in the money one makes between a
book being a bestseller and a number one bestseller is
not all that much. When I next re-evaluated the goal I
altered it completely. I changed the goal to : My book
is a bestseller in the USA. This is the goal that I stuck
with and I think it's accomplished everything I
wanted to happen. The reasoning was simple, if any
of my books became a bestseller in the USA that
would open up many doors for my other books to
become bestsellers. Why should I cut myself off from
letting many good things happen by creating such a
tight window of opportunity, when a very flexible
picture would do?

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