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(nextflipdebug5) #1

even collecting $200 at GO. We become unhappy,
miserable and depressed. The biocomputer is
teleological, it is goal seeking.

Giving your biocomputer a simple task like 'Jog a
mile each day' would make it happy. The exercise
would do you good as well. But it's having goals
that's important!

I was talking to a group of elderly ladies the other
day. They confirmed that they were bored most of the
time. However, every time there was a community
project to get stuck into, their spirits rose and they
became contented and happy. I remember my mother.
(Definitely the most negative person in the whole
world.) Her cat became ill and demanded constant
attention. Trips to the vet, pills to be popped, cat to be
fed, cat to be walked. All of a sudden she had goals in
her life. A definiteness of purpose. She became
vibrant and happy, the change in her was remarkable.
The cat got better and lived another two or three

People need goals. A definiteness of purpose is
absolutely essential. The biocomputer is teleological,
it is goal seeking. Reprogram it today or slide down a

I have a terrible memory and I think it is probably
holding me back. What can you suggest?
On the contrary you don't have a terrible
memory. You remember just about everything that
happens to you. In fact we all have brilliant
memories. Congratulat ions!

What I think you probably suffer from is bad
recall, which is something totally different. It's your
recall I can probably help you with. I suggest that
you start thinking in pictures more and more. The
visual side of our biocomputer is the key to recall.

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