Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

dollars. You may input a lot of ideas and material
about a certain application or a device and the
output may very well be a patent that makes you a
small fortune, or leads to an invention that makes
you a large fortune. You may input lots of pop music
and go to a lot of discos and the output may be that
you write a smash-hit single. (I personally know
people in everyone of these categories, people just
like you and me, who all made more than a million
dollars each, by doing just that and they never
complained once!)

I would say the formula should be: Output
Equals Input². How's that! Next!

I really do feel a worthless, useless individual. Any
Yes lots! A lot of people have this problem, you'd
be surprised. The problem is of course, the more you
keep affirming these thoughts and feelings to
yourself, the more powerful the program you build
against yourself. The more you impregnate those
electro chemicals, the stronger the negative output
from the biocomputer.

You must start to program that you love all the
skills that you have, whether they be cooking skills,
or driving skills or social skills. Start to feel good
about the programs that you already have, and with a
little inner searching you'll discover that you have
lots of valuable programs, you can't get to your age
in life without accumulating lots of decent programs,
it's just that you've never recognized them before.

Then start adding some programs about the
things you want for yourself and where you want to
go. Believe me you can overcome any amount of
negative programming. I'm living proof that it

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