Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

the project, whereas years ago, in your ignorance, you
would have gone ahead with the project, solved the
problems as you went and made a success out of it.

The biocomputer is brilliant at solving problems
as you go. It loves working hard and the solutions it
comes up with are not normally text book material.

This is the problem that so many 'wet behind the
ears' accountants have. They look at figures on a
spreadsheet and with a flick of the wrist and with
unbelievable conviction, announce that the project
won't work! It always amazes me because they
always miss two vital factors, before they issue their
death warrant. The first factor is pretty obvious, the
figures on the spreadsheet can be what ever you want
them to be. That's how they got there in the first
place! You made them up. The second point they
miss, and it's not so obvious, it only comes with the
experience of actually starting projects, is the
biocomputer will solve all your problems on a daily
basis, providing you instruct it to and visualize the
outcome you desire!

You keep telling us input equals output. I would
like to say something even more than that. If input
equals output then we'd only just balance out all
the time, we'd never get ahead of the game. The
output must always be far in advance of the input.
Any ideas?
Of course you're right! You could compare the
biocomputer to baking a loaf of bread. You put in the
oven a mixture of wet inedible dough and the output
is a lovely crusty loaf that smells and tastes delicious.

If you program your biocomputer properly,
output should well exceed your input. For example,
you may input a lot of research and the output may
be a bestselling book, that nets you millions of

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